Radio Button Elements  


Radios can be interacted with by either Watir::Radio or Watir::RadioSet. (RadioSet was added in Watir 6.8)

These are accessed by calling Browser#radio or Browser#radio_set, respectively. Creating a RadioCollection is accomplished with Browser#radios, but you should always prefer working with a RadioSet. For all of the different ways of locating a Radio element, take a look at our Locating Elements Guide. A RadioSet is located by passing in a valid locator for any of the Radio elements included in the RadioSet (so often using the :name attribute locator).

Radio Buttons are special because only one button within a form with a specific name can be selected at a time. You can either identify the specific Radio button you want and interact with it, or you can identify the entire group with RadioSet and select the one you want by value or text.

They also inherit methods from standard Web Elements

Common or Special Methods

Standard Setter Interface

This functionality was added in Watir 7 beta 2.

Radio#set is the same behavior as the superclass Element; if no arguments are passed or true is passed, it will click the link. RadioSet#set is an alias of #select. It takes a String or a Regexp argument. Watir will select the first Radio that matches by value, text or label attributes.


browser = Watir::Browser.start ''

radio_no_newsletter = 'newsletter_no')
radio_no_newsletter.text == 'No' # => true
radio_no_newsletter.selected? == false # => true
radio_no_newsletter.selected? == false # => true
radio_no_newsletter.selected? == true # => true
radio_no_newsletter.selected? == true # => true # (can't unselect a radio button so this is ignored)
radio_no_newsletter.selected? == true # => true

radioset = browser.radio_set(name: 'newsletter')'Yes')
radioset.selected.is_a?(Watir::Radio) # => true
radioset.selected?('No') == false # => true
radioset.text == 'Yes' # => true
radioset.value == 'yes' # => true


Last Updated: March 28, 2021